Monday, December 7, 2009

Where is THE DANCE?

So much has unfolded in my life since the last entry.

Chalk the White House, Dream Big Dreams, Bobby O Bahama, so much integration and creativity flowing and unfolding systems of utopia. First Street Community Center, the orange bowl the insight bowl being created, played and the process unfolding so much beauty and excitement.

While in Washington D.C. being and doing and having "ChalktheWhiteHouse" I chalked 'happyhands,happyfeet,' around and around and around and around the white all four directions in all directions emanating from the heart of reality....thanks Chantal Gebhardt for including me in your vision...for sharing your vision and in being a part of co-creating and co-designing systems of utopia by being oneself. Infinte and Eternal Blessings World Tour takes another step deeper into the heart of reality.

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